Wednesday, October 23, 2013

10 Tips of Eva Mendez for a toned body !

Eva Mendez is not only a beauty icon.Above all she is a woman who loves herself and invests a lot of time to feel good with herself and her key words are : 'movement' & 'love for yourself'. In this post we want to show you her practical tips to have a 'perfect' body even if we cannot allow to ourselves to go everyday at the gym or workout.


There is nothing wrong with wanting a thin and perfect body.But always look to fix in your mind who you are .
Fighting against your body ? That makes no sense ! If you have sensual curves dont try to modify your appearance totally,but do your best to value it.

2.Follow a balanced diet !

Even if you cannot believe it I'm so against diets.The only thing I do is I reduce the portions.I'll reveal you another secret :when you have a big desire for chocolate do NOT deny yourself a little piece of it.A square is not going to damage you and it is not going to make you add weight.

3.Say 'YES' to detoxification periods!

No diets but once in a long time have time to detoxificate.Once you have tried it you will understand how many benefits it brings : you will have more energy, your skin is going to thank you and your body will be cleared.
There are so many ways to detoxificate your body that can last only one day ( and usually are made once a week) or they last 7 days . The most important thing is to strictly follow the rules and I assure you that after that you are going to feel so good .

4.Say 'YES' to walks!

If you dont like to go often at the gym you can always go for a lovely walk everyday.Maybe in the evening when you get back from work or in the morning, before you go to work.Personally when I want to exercise
I prefer a lovely walk in fresh air instead of closing  between 4 walls.

5.Yoga for your body and mind!

Doing Yoga here in Hollywood is a real trend that no one could resist.Having a favorable climate is not weird seeing people in the middle of the lawns in different meditation positions.I really like yoga ,it is a really good exercise that helps your mind , your soul . Thats why i try to do yoga 2 times a week.

6.Individual Exercise !

It is so true. Sometimes it can be nice going for a walk or  at the gym with a friend, but if you have noticed ,it is better exercising  alone.Do not flex  to exercise with the others.Training is an extremely personal ritual and it doesnt work the same for all.Personally I prefer to exercise alone .

7.Find the time even when it seems impossible !

Im aware that it is really difficult to find the time for everything.Working, dedicating to your private life,or social life and having time to exercise.It is important to understand that you dont have to stay 2 hours in gym or run for 1 hour .It is better run for 20 min but constantly that a sporadic exercise with a longer duration.

8.Sacrifices !

Unfortunately this is one of the most tedious of needs that must cease.You have to find something on your menu that you have to cease to reduce the calories taken in 1 day.If I dont exercise one day I care more for what I eat, because I'm not going to burn the calories I burn when i run. So for that day STOP PIZZA !

9.Reduce stress!

We all have stressful moment caused by work,love or any other reason.Important is to control our stress and try to eliminate the bad energies .Find a way. Maybe a dinner with friends,a warm bath,a SPA day,or an evening lying on sofa watching a film.

10.BE Sure in yourself!

Of course having a perfect body can help you a lot.Even if you are not thin the fact that you are secure in yourself will make you shine in the eyes of everyone.For me this means that firstly you have to admit that some things can be changed and some others no.I also do think that is really important to smile and laugh.

A Fashion Icon.
Be iconic

1 comment:

  1. Great post! I love Eva Mendes and I would be so happy if I could look just 10 % like she does! She is gorgeous woman! Love your blog! ;)
